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Compatible browsers

You can access My Health Record from any compatible computer or mobile device with an internet connection.

You can also view your record using mobile apps.

Compatible browsers

The following tables list the devices, operating systems and/or web browsers that are supported by the My Health Record system.

My Health Record system (consumer portal)

Operating System


PC - Windows 11

Microsoft Edge 18

PC - Windows 11

Firefox 97

PC - Windows 11

Chrome 98

MAC - OS X 10.15*

Safari Native Browser

MAC - OS X 10.15*

Chrome 98

NOTE: Other operating systems, web browsers and combinations may work when accessing the My Health Record system, although only those listed above have been thoroughly tested.

My Health Record system (consumer portal) Device and OS combinations

Device Operating System


iOS v14.x v15.x Safari Native Browser
Android 11.x 12.x Chrome - Latest Version

* For R13.1, MAC OS 10.15.X is being tested. Prior versions could not be tested. R13 and R13.0.1 were tested using 10.12.X

Security advice

It is recommended that users take reasonable steps to monitor and maintain their security online. This includes keeping your operating system and web browser software up to date.