Access or create a child's record
Manage your child’s health information including their vaccination records, allergy information and medicines list.
You can manage your child’s health information, including vaccination records, allergy information and medicines they are taking. If your child is under the age of 14 years and on the same Medicare card as you, you can also create a My Health Record for them if they don't already have one.
More than one parent can manage a child's record as their authorised representative.
Up until the age of 14, a parent or guardian is automatically an authorised representative. When a child turns 14, all representatives will be removed from their record. If they choose to, they can give their parent or guardian access as a nominated representative.
How to register a newborn for My Health Record
How to register a newborn for My Health Record
You can get a My Health Record for your newborn by:
- completing the questions on the Newborn Child Declaration form in your newborn pack
- registering them for their My Health Record when you enrol your baby for Medicare.
To access your newborn's record for the first time, follow the steps in 'How to access or create a child's record'.
How to access or create a child’s record
How to access or create a child’s record
To create or access a child's record for the first time, you need to have a myGov account. You will also need your Medicare card number and your Individual Reference Number, as well as the child’s Individual Reference Number (the numbers to the left of the names on the Medicare card).
To follow these steps, you will need to have My Health Record linked to your myGov account.
Getting started:
- Sign in to your myGov account: Sign in to myGov
- Select My Health Record from your list of ‘Linked services’
- From your My Health Record welcome page, Select Access or Create a My Health Record for someone else.
- Select Access or Create a My Health Record for a child.
- Search for your child in Medicare records by entering their details including their name, sex, date of birth and Medicare number details, then select Next.
- Accept the Parental Declaration.
- Read and acknowledge the Parental Declaration. If you have previously cancelled your child’s My Health Record, you will also see registration information.
- Agree to the Application and Consent page.
Once completed, you will be an authorised representative on your child’s record. This means you have full control of their My Health Record.
By default, privacy settings are set to General Access. This means healthcare providers can view all documents. Learn more about adding extra privacy settings.