Reporting fraud
Find out what to do if you suspect fraud within the Australian Digital Health Agency
The Australian Digital Health Agency has zero tolerance to fraud or corruption by our employees or contractors, in any area of our work.
We encourage you to report suspected fraud as it helps us ensure fairness and integrity in government operations.
What is fraud?
Fraud is defined as "dishonestly obtaining a benefit, or causing a loss, by deception or other means". In this definition, "benefit" can be money or objects, power, status, or information.
What is corruption?
Under National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 a person engages in corrupt conduct if:
- they are a public official and they breach public trust
- they are a public official and they abuse their office as a public official
- they are a public official or former public official and they misuse information they have gained in their capacity as a public official
- they do something that adversely affects a public official’s honest or impartial exercise of powers or performance of official duties. (Any person can engage in this type of corrupt conduct, even if they are not a public official themselves).
A person also engages in corrupt conduct if they try or plan to do any of those things.
Who can report fraud or corruption?
Anyone can report fraud or corruption and you don’t have to give your name when making a report.
How to report fraud
We are committed to preventing fraud in the Agency. If you feel that an act of fraud has been committed you can report it via:
- email:
- phone: 1300 901 001, 8am - 5pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday - Friday
- complete the online form below
If you're a current or former public official, you can also choose to make a public interest disclosure.
What information should you provide?
By providing more information in the first instance (including supporting documents), we can investigate your matter more efficiently.
You are encouraged to provide the following information:
- Who is involved? Include as much detail as you can such as the name of the person or organisation, date of birth, addresses and phone numbers.
- What fraud or corruption do you think has occurred? Please provide details of your concerns about the activity, including how, when and where it occurred.
- How did you come across this information?
- Your contact details (you can also provide information anonymously).
What will happen next?
We will make appropriate enquiries into your allegations. Due to privacy restrictions we may not provide you with details of the outcome of these enquiries. If your allegation involves another individual, we may not be able to give you any information about the conduct or outcome of the investigation due to our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.
Further Information
Further information on countering corruption in the Commonwealth can be found on the National Anti-Corruption Commission website. The National Anti-Corruption Commission was established in 2023 to enhance integrity in the Commonwealth public sector by deterring, detecting and preventing corrupt conduct involving Commonwealth public officials. It does this through education, monitoring, investigation, reporting and referral.
The Commonwealth Fraud Prevention Centre also supports Australian Government entities deal with unseen and unchecked fraud.