About us
When it comes to improving the health of all Australians, the role of digital innovation and connection is a vital part of a modern, accessible healthcare system.
The Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) is a corporate Commonwealth entity established by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Establishing the Australian Digital Health Agency) Rule 2016.
Digital health has seen exponential growth in relevance and importance, making it more pertinent than ever for all Australians and healthcare providers.
Our vision
A healthier future for all Australians through connected healthcare.
Our mission
To create a collaborative environment to accelerate adoption and use of innovative digital services and technologies.
We get our best results working collaboratively – this is how we excel.
We share our knowledge and our skills because, when we work in an open and frank way, we demonstrate that we trust and respect each other.
Respectful and trusting
We care about each other and we treat everyone in a way that we would want to be treated. We know with conviction that we can rely on each other because it is only together that we can achieve greatness.
We seek to understand new and different ways to improve delivery and performance for digital health.
We are all accountable for living our values and taking responsibility for our actions. When we think this way, we will always be focusing on doing things that are right and good.

Digital solutions
Stewarding the national digital health ecosystem and products through analysis, data, architecture, standards, connections, service, and user design.

Technology services
Responsible for the operation and delivery of high quality, trusted, reliable, and secure national digital health infrastructure and health support systems.

Policy programs and engagement
Responsible for informing policies, managing external stakeholder relationships, and being the place of excellence for driving national programs, portfolio priorities and outcomes.

Corporate services
We bring together high-quality enabling services so that they are coordinated, effective and mutually reinforcing.

Office of the CEO
The Office of the Chief Executive Officer leads the development, delivery and uptake of digital health and is responsible for the overall management of the Agency.
Discover the National Digital Health Strategy (2023 - 2028)
Corporate plans
Reconciliation Action Plans
Leadership Strategy
Workforce Strategy
Clinical Governance Framework
Organisational structure
Digital health advisers
Policies, privacy and reporting
Annual reports
Our websites
The Agency is currently governed by a skills-based Board comprised of members with skills, knowledge and experience relevant to business leadership as well as the health sector. The Board is the Agency’s Accountable Authority for the purposes of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
To assist the Board in carrying out its functions, the following four standing advisory committees have been established under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Establishing the Australian Digital Health Agency) Rule 2016:
- the Clinical and Technical Advisory Committee,
- the Jurisdictional Advisory Committee,
- the Consumer Advisory Committee,
- the Privacy and Security Advisory Committee.
The 2015-16 Budget announcement My Health Record – A New Direction for Electronic Health Records in Australia authorised the establishment of the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) to strengthen digital health governance arrangements.
The Agency was established by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Establishing the Australian Digital Health Agency) Rule, which was made by the Commonwealth Minister for Finance under section 87 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act.
Guidance on the establishment of the Agency was provided by a Digital Health Implementation Taskforce Steering Committee (the Steering Committee), which comprised of key digital health industry, consumer and healthcare stakeholders.
The Steering Committee was formed in September 2015 to work collaboratively with key health sector stakeholders, all jurisdictions, the Commonwealth Departments of Health and Human Services, and the National E-Health Transition Authority Limited to lead the establishment of the structure, governance and operations of the Agency, and to plan and manage the transition of relevant functions and resources to the Agency.