Conformant clinical software products
Terms of use
The Agency publishes the Australian Register of Conformity as a service for third party vendors, health service providers, hospital or State and Territory health departments to declare the conformance of their systems to digital health specifications and standards. All organisations that wish to appear on the Australian Register of Conformity must certify that the information they provide is accurate, complete and up-to-date and are responsible for modifying or de-registering their entries if the software no longer meets relevant conformance requirements. The Agency takes no responsibility for the false or misleading representations of third parties entered on the Australian Register of Conformity.
Terms of use for the Australian Register of Conformity
This webpage for the Australian Register of Conformity is owned and operated by the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency). By choosing to use the webpage or download materials from it, you agree to the following Terms of Use. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you must not use the Webpage or download materials from it. Parts of the Webpage may have additional terms and conditions of use.
Unless otherwise indicated, the Agency reserves all copyright in the content and design of the Webpage and all materials on it. The Agency owns this copyright or uses it under licence or applicable law. You may access and use content on the Webpage only for personal or non-commercial use or use within your organisation. You may not otherwise use, copy or reproduce this Webpage or any part of it (except as permitted by applicable copyright legislation) without the Agency's written consent. You may not reproduce any of the content of the Webpage on any other webpage (including by way of framing or embedding) without the Agency's written consent.
The Agency owns the trade mark "nehta" and reserves all rights in relation to it. Other product and company names referred to on this webpage may be trademarks owned by third parties. Nothing contained in this Webpage should be construed as being any licence or right of use of any trade mark displayed on the Webpage.
Links to third party webpages
This webpage may contain links to other websites controlled or produced by third parties. The Agency makes no representations about the accuracy of, and takes no responsibility for, the content contained on those websites. Unless expressly stated, any references to third parties or third party websites should not be taken as an endorsement or recommendation by the Agency and any opinions, statements, services or other information or content available on third party websites are those of the respective author(s) and not of the Agency. If you use a link from this Webpage to a third party website, you acknowledge that the Agency has no control over the content of that third party website and therefore has no responsibility for any transaction arising from your link to it.
The Agency makes the information and other material (Information) on this Webpage available in good faith but without any representation or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness. All information is subject to change without notice. As the Information is of a general nature only and believed to be accurate at the time of publication, it is up to any person using or relying on the Information to ensure that it is up to date and suitable for the circumstances of its use. The Agency cannot ensure the accuracy of any information or advice contained after publication to the Webpage. Further, the Agency cannot accept any responsibility for the consequences of any use of the Information. To the maximum extent allowed by the governing law, the Agency will not be liable to you for any consequential loss or damage arising from any error or omission in the Information.
The Agency may revise these Terms of Use by updating this page at any time.
My Health Record Conformance Register
The register of conformity lists software products and the versions that have been assessed for conformance with national digital health requirements. This includes the ability to view a My Health Record, upload a shared health summary, upload prescriptions, provide assisted registration, and more. Software developers must declare the conformance of their products to be included in the Register.
Governing law
The laws of New South Wales, Australia govern these Terms of Use.
Terms and conditions
The software developer acknowledges that:
- The Register of Conformity (Register) provides information to practices about conformant and compliant software products;
- The Agency operates the Register (Operator) on behalf of the Commonwealth Department of Health (Health); and
- Software developers are required to apply to have their products listed on the Register subject to the requirements described in the Vendor Guidelines (“listing”).
The software developer agrees as follows by submitting a product for listing on the Register:
- The software developer's name and submitted product details will be included on the Register and published;
- Product material or materials included with the application in support of a listing on the Register may be stored by the Operator and made available to users of the Register;
- While the Operator will use reasonable efforts to maintain the currency and accuracy of the Register, listings and the availability of the Register online, no assurance is given that the listings will be complete, accurate or up to date at any particular point in time and, without limitation, the Register may not be available through system or equipment failure, planned or unplanned maintenance/repair, or through communication carrier failure;
- The Operator is not obliged or required to check the accuracy or completeness of the information and materials relating to an application by a software developer for listing (or any application to change the details of a listing). However, the Operator, in its discretion, may not accept an application until it is satisfied that the information and materials is accurate or complete (as the case may be);
- Whether or not the Operator elects to check the accuracy or completeness of information and materials, the Operator will only publish information submitted by software developers and without giving any assurance as to the completeness or accuracy of that information and materials submitted. The Operator cannot ensure the accuracy of any information or materials contained after publication to the Webpage. Further, the Operator cannot accept any responsibility for the consequences of any use of the information and materials;
- The Operator may of its own accord or at the prompting of 'Health' or any third party, remove a listing where the Operator believes there is evidence of inaccurate or incomplete information or materials having been supplied in support of an application for listing. The Operator will provide the software developer with 10 days' notice of any such intention to remove a listing unless in the Operator's opinion the delay in the removal may directly or indirectly result in adverse clinical outcomes; and
- If the software developer disputes any action taken by the Operator, the software developer must contact 'Health' for resolution of the matter. Any decision by Department of Health regarding the disputed action is final and binding on the software developer and the Operator.