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This content is draft for consultation

Digital Health Procurement Guidelines

About the Guidelines 

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The Digital Health Procurement Guidelines (the Guidelines) support a coordinated and consistent approach to purchasing technology in Australia. They will help to bring about a change in the market, where interoperability, global standards and best practice are built into procurement processes. 

Interoperability and global digital health standards are featured in the first version as they are fundamental to ensuring connected care across Australia and were highlighted as critical enablers within the National Healthcare Interoperability Plan.

Embedding standards in technology procurement boosts digital capability and ensures better access to accurate, timely data within Australian health systems, benefiting clinicians, consumers, patients and their carers. 

Developed by the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) in collaboration with the Australian healthcare sector, the Guidelines include practical steps for incorporating digital health standards into procurement processes.

Release plan 

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The Guidelines will be released in a phased approach with more content and functionality added over time. This version is a draft for consultation and feedback. The Agency invites industry experts and stakeholders to contribute to the ongoing development of these Guidelines.

Version 1: Interoperability focus

The first version of the Guidelines focuses on interoperability standards. 

Why? Because improving data-sharing and system interoperability within and between health organisations and services in Australia requires a paradigm shift that begins with procurement processes. 

Subsequent releases

The Guidelines are being created with iterative changes and additions to content to enable collaborative development. New systems and technologies will continue to be added to the Guidelines based on sector feedback. Ongoing feedback can be provided via the feedback form and will continue to inform improvements. 

Who should use the Guidelines?

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The Guidelines are designed to support organisations when engaging with technology providers. Organisations can easily navigate to the standards and requirements specific to the system or technology they wish to procure. Relevant standards can be incorporated into procurement processes and used in the development of contracts. Buyers in both public and private organisations are welcome to link to these Guidelines in tender documents to ensure essential requirements are considered upfront. 

The Guidelines can be used by: 

  • leaders responsible for buying medical devices, ICT systems and architecture, and related services

  • technology providers/vendors in the design and development of solutions

  • other professionals involved in the procurement process such as clinicians, health service planners, healthcare managers, health informaticians, ICT strategy and architecture subject matter experts.  

Why are the Guidelines important? 

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The Guidelines agreed to by the sector, for use across the sector, will ensure a coordinated approach and alignment to international best practices.

They aim to ensure: 

  • safer and more connected healthcare for all Australians 

  • seamless flow of data between healthcare services

  • semantic data consistency. 

Improving interoperability across systems improves the availability of consistent, accurate data that is easily accessed by clinicians when they need it. This is one of the key elements to improving the care that the Australian healthcare sector provides.

Defining a clear set of standards and requirements helps the sector achieve enhanced levels of consistency and capability for technology solutions that better support patients, consumers and clinicians. 

The Guidelines will also support technology companies to better understand the standards and requirements for inclusion in the design and delivery of digital health solutions.

National Digital Health Standards Catalogue 

Detailed information about the standards referenced in the Guidelines is available in the National Digital Health Standards Catalogue.

Procurement planning considerations

Recommended phases for digital health procurement.

  • The organisation’s business objectives help guide requirements 
  • Consultation with stakeholders and subject matter experts inform operational, technical and clinical requirements as required.
  • Vendors are invited to respond to requirements provided in the tender.
  • A committee evaluates vendor responses to assess their experience and ability to deliver the requirements. 
  • A scaled weightage system is key to avoid unnecessary biases.
  • The organisation requests commercial best fit and final offer from short-listed vendors.
  • Contract is exchanged to ensure delivery as per requirements. 
  • The contract should be developed to ensure scalability, defined liabilities and protection from non-obsolescence.

Other considerations when planning procurement

Digital health procurement is complex, involving a range of stakeholders and varying approaches by different organisations and jurisdictions. However, the Agency has provided direction below for consideration throughout the procurement process. 

Legal requirements

Buyers should consider all relevant national and state legislations and frameworks and seek legal advice to ensure compliance. 


Security requirements

Buyers should receive appropriate ICT security advice to safeguard data for both care and research purposes. 


Local content stakeholders

Appropriate subject matter experts both internal or external to your organisation should be consulted to understand local contexts and requirements.


General procurement guidance

Get started 

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This content is draft for consultation.

The Procurement Guidelines are focussed on helping to achieve consistency in the procurement process by providing guidance to procuring and contracting authorities across Australian healthcare.  

The guidelines set out to provide some guiding principles and practical guidance, including statements related to the digital health standards that should be considered as part of the sourcing process for technology solutions.  


Contact us 

This content is draft for consultation. To learn more about the Guidelines, the phased publication approach, or if you are interested in participating in a reference group, please contact us via the form below. 

Date last updated: 13 September 2024