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The Strategy Delivery Roadmap sets out clear and measurable steps for how stakeholders across the nation will implement Australia's National Digital Health Strategy. The initiatives from the roadmap are outlined below and will help implement the strategy through its 12 priority areas and 4 health system outcomes

Select an outcome or priority below, then scroll down to discover the related initiatives.



Item Initiative Leads Partners Target Status

2.1.01: Co-design, deliver, promote and participate in consumer digital health literacy programs and integrate with broader government digital literacy programs

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Consumers
  • All governments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Researchers
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

2.1.02: Use guidelines, such as the Assessment Framework for mHealth Apps, when developing consumer facing digital health products that meet a range of consumer needs and levels of digital health literacy

  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare providers
Target: Development and implementation from 2024 to 2028 Status: Planning

2.1.03: Undertake research and evaluate effectiveness of digital health literacy programs to inform program development

  • Researchers
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • All health departments
  • Consumers
Status: Future

2.1.04: Consider digital health literacy in national safety and quality standards

  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • Consumers
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Healthcare providers
Status: Future
Item Initiative Leads Partners Target Status

2.2.01: Develop a National Health Information Exchange Architecture and Roadmap that will establish the national technical infrastructure requirements and direction to enable consistent, secure, safe and discoverable near real-time sharing of health information across care settings, with consent, regardless of where the data is stored

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • All health departments
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare providers
Target: Initiate planning by 2024 Status: Underway

2.2.02: Enable consumers, carers and healthcare providers to access key aged care information such as the aged care assessment summary in My Health Record

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare and aged care providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • All governments
Target: Implementation by 2025 Status: Underway

2.2.03: Enable key health information to be made easily available to support transfer of care between residential aged care and acute care settings

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Residential aged care providers and facilities
  • All governments
Target: Initial implementation in 2024 Status: Underway

2.2.04: Support Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) to provide clinical decision making support for prescribers and dispensers

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Healthcare providers
  • All health departments
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

2.2.05: Deliver a Prescription Delivery Service that supports the ongoing uptake of electronic prescribing, the expanded use of electronic medication charts and the use of electronic prescribing for high-risk and high-cost medicines

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • All health departments
  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Services Australia
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

2.2.06: Support the use and expansion of electronic prescribing, including the delivery of operational support such as incident management for the Prescription Delivery Service

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

2.2.07: Establish regulatory requirements and changes to national accreditation standards to require private and public healthcare providers to share information to My Health Record by default, starting with diagnostic imaging and pathology. This will include providing technical and registration support, education and training

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare and aged care providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Implementation by 2025 Status: Underway

2.2.08: Expand functionality and health information available in the my health app to better support consumers, such as structured pathology, electronic prescriptions, aged care transfer summaries and Medicare information

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: By 2024 Status: Underway

2.2.09: Engage consumers in co-design and improvements to digital health solutions such as my health app and My Health Record

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

2.2.10: Develop a roadmap to support the allied health sector and software vendors to upload clinical content to My Health Record

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Healthcare providers
Target: development by end of 2024 Status: Planning

2.2.11: Implement widespread adoption and use of national healthcare identifiers for individuals, healthcare providers and healthcare provider organisations

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • All governments
  • Services Australia
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Planning

2.2.12: Connect hospital clinical information systems to the National Health Information exchange

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Health departments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Status: Future

2.2.13: Enable pregnancy and child health information to be shared and accessed through national digital health infrastructure

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • All health departments
  • Healthcare providers
Status: Future

2.2.14: Uplift the Pharmacist Shared Medicines List to enable structured medicines information to be discoverable and available in the My Health Record System

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Status: Future

2.2.15: Share information by default to support multidisciplinary care, including aged care plans and GP management plans

  • Healthcare and aged care providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
Status: Future
Item Initiative Leads Partners Target Status

2.3.01: Support secure information sharing by enhancing authentication services

  • Services Australia
  • All health departments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Ongoing implementation to 2028 Status: Underway

2.3.02: Identify options to develop a national health legislative framework authorising health information sharing across care settings and borders

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • All health departments
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Development by 2025 Status: Underway

2.3.03: Implement system changes to store and manage individual and organisational healthcare provider details

  • All health departments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
Target: Implementation by 2026 Status: Planning

2.3.04: Progress integration between the national digital identity solution and healthcare systems

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Department of Finance
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Initiate planning by 2023 Status: Planning

2.3.05: Review and implement regulatory requirements for consent management for access and use of patient health information

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • All health departments
Status: Future

2.3.06: Ensure service provider details in healthcare provider directories are accurate and kept up to date

  • Healthdirect Australia
  • Services Australia
  • Healthcare providers
  • All health departments
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
Status: Future