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The Strategy Delivery Roadmap sets out clear and measurable steps for how stakeholders across the nation will implement Australia's National Digital Health Strategy. The initiatives from the roadmap are outlined below and will help implement the strategy through its 12 priority areas and 4 health system outcomes

Select an outcome or priority below, then scroll down to discover the related initiatives.



Item Initiative Leads Partners Target Status

1.2.01: Implement the National Digital Health Capability Action Plan

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Australasian Institute of Digital Health
  • Healthcare and aged care providers
  • All health departments
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Consumers
Target: Implementation by 2028 Status: Underway

1.2.02: Develop a digital health workforce readiness framework for organisations to self-assess and plan their digital health workforce development

  • Australasian Institute of Digital Health
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Healthcare and aged care providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Implementation by 2025 Status: Underway

1.2.03: Pilot and evaluate the national digital health capability framework and self-assessment tool to improve digital health skills of the health and care workforce in residential aged care facilities

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Australasian Institute of Digital Health
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Healthcare and aged care providers
Target: Completion by 2024 Status: Underway

1.2.04: Develop guidelines and resources for digital health learning, education and practice

  • Australasian Institute of Digital Health
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Education providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Implementation by 2025 Status: Underway

1.2.05: Develop an online hub to host and connect curated digital health workforce content

  • Australasian Institute of Digital Health
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Healthcare and aged care providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Implementation by 2024 Status: Underway

1.2.06: Uplift digital health capabilities in primary care to improve interoperability between systems and streamline and simplify data access

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Primary Health Networks
  • Healthdirect Australia
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • All health departments
Status: Future

1.2.07: Develop and operate digital solutions that support the career and learning pathways of healthcare providers and their mobility across the sector

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • All health departments
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
Status: Future