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The Strategy Delivery Roadmap sets out clear and measurable steps for how stakeholders across the nation will implement Australia's National Digital Health Strategy. The initiatives from the roadmap are outlined below and will help implement the strategy through its 12 priority areas and 4 health system outcomes

Select an outcome or priority below, then scroll down to discover the related initiatives.



Item Initiative Leads Partners Target Status

4.3.01: Measure, monitor and report on changes in digital health maturity, adoption, meaningful use and benefits to inform national and local planning

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • All health departments
  • Researchers
  • All governments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Consumers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

4.3.02: Participate in evaluations and provide feedback on experiences of digital health

  • Consumers
  • Researchers
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • All health departments
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

4.3.03: Support increased digital health maturity, adoption and meaningful use through increased awareness of digital health benefits among consumers and healthcare providers

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Researchers
  • All health departments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Consumers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: by 2025 Status: Planning

4.3.04: Increase access to and integration of clinical quality registries in the broader digital health ecosystem to support patient-centred care and clinical practice improvement

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Status: Future