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The Strategy Delivery Roadmap sets out clear and measurable steps for how stakeholders across the nation will implement Australia's National Digital Health Strategy. The initiatives from the roadmap are outlined below and will help implement the strategy through its 12 priority areas and 4 health system outcomes

Select an outcome or priority below, then scroll down to discover the related initiatives.



Item Initiative Leads Partners Target Status

2.1.01: Co-design, deliver, promote and participate in consumer digital health literacy programs and integrate with broader government digital literacy programs

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Consumers
  • All governments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Researchers
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

2.1.02: Use guidelines, such as the Assessment Framework for mHealth Apps, when developing consumer facing digital health products that meet a range of consumer needs and levels of digital health literacy

  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare providers
Target: Development and implementation from 2024 to 2028 Status: Planning

2.1.03: Undertake research and evaluate effectiveness of digital health literacy programs to inform program development

  • Researchers
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • All health departments
  • Consumers
Status: Future

2.1.04: Consider digital health literacy in national safety and quality standards

  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • Consumers
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Healthcare providers
Status: Future