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The Strategy Delivery Roadmap sets out clear and measurable steps for how stakeholders across the nation will implement Australia's National Digital Health Strategy. The initiatives from the roadmap are outlined below and will help implement the strategy through its 12 priority areas and 4 health system outcomes

Select an outcome or priority below, then scroll down to discover the related initiatives.



Item Initiative Leads Partners Target Status

1.3.01: Continue modernising digital health infrastructure including My Health Record with contemporary architectures to make information more accessible and discoverable

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • All health departments
  • Consumers
  • Healthcare providers
  • Researchers
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

1.3.02: Develop accurate terminology, interoperability standards and conformance for sustained and widespread use

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Healthcare providers
  • All health departments
  • Government agencies
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

1.3.03: Develop Fast Health Interoperability (FHIR®) core standards that set the minimum requirements to support consistent capture and sharing of health information

  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • HL7 Australia
  • All health departments
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Healthcare providers
Target: Initiate planning by 2023 Status: Underway

1.3.04: Continue to implement standards and resilience measures to protect personal health information and digital health infrastructure from cyber-attack, natural disasters and climate events

  • All governments
  • All health departments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Consumers
  • Australian Cyber Security Centre
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Underway

1.3.05: Co-design technical, clinical terminology and exchange standards for a national electronic requesting capability for diagnostic imaging and pathology

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Healthcare providers
  • Consumers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Developed by 2025 Status: Underway

1.3.06: Embed interoperability in procurement in accordance with national interoperability procurement guidelines

  • All governments
  • Industry and technology vendors
  • Healthcare providers
Target: Ongoing to 2028 Status: Planning

1.3.07: Mandate electronic prescribing for medicines that are high cost and/or high risk through updates to technology, standards and regulation

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • All health departments
  • Healthcare providers
  • Consumers
  • Industry and technology vendors
Target: Initiate planning by 2024 Status: Planning

1.3.08: Increase digital maturity to enable efficient data collection, analysis and use of national clinical quality registries in line with the Framework for Australian Clinical Quality Registries

  • All health departments
  • Healthcare organisations
  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
Target: initiate planning by 2024 Status: Planning