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Upload Participation Agreement

Upload Participation Agreement

Once an organisation has completed the initial PCA registration steps, the next screen to appear will be the Participating Organisation screen and it will be displayed with a yellow action notification of:


Summary of steps

  1. On the Participating Organisation screen, click on Action Required: Review, Sign and Submit your Participation Agreement.
  2. In the PCA Business Partner Participation Agreement section: 
    a. Upload a copy of the participation agreement countersigned by the Agency 
    (If applicable): In the HPI-I Collection Declaration Form section: 
    b. Click to download your HPI-I Collection Declaration Form. 
    c. Review, sign and upload your HPI-I Collection Declaration Form.
  3. Once submitted, your application will be Pending Approval. Please make contact with the PCA team at if you have not done so already to Approve your organisation’s registration request.  Continue to section: Register your partner services.

Continue to next step: Set up your Partner Services

Date last updated: 19 December 2023