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ePIP Compliance

The Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) writes to general practices that have been identified as not meeting the shared health summary upload requirements for a payment quarter under the Practice Incentives Program eHealth Incentive (ePIP). 

Below is a list of resources that may be relevant to ensuring compliance in future payment quarters. General practices are advised to opt-out of payment quarters if they are not satisfied targets will be achieved.

Seeking an exemption from ePIP compliance

General practices that do not agree with the assessment made by the Department, or believe that there are compelling circumstances as to why requirements were not met are able to apply for an exemption. 

General practices considering applying for an exemption should first consult the ePIP exemption guidance.

The exemption review process has a number of steps and associated timeframes that practices must follow when seeking consideration of their evidence. Find out more about the ePIP exemption application review process.

General practices can apply for an exemption via, with one of the below in the subject line:

  • General Enquiry <CSEXXXXXXXXX>; or
  • Compelling Circumstance <CSEXXXXXXXXX>; or
  • Discrepancies in Shared Health Summary Upload <CSEXXXXXXXXX>.

Your correspondence with the Department should also include:

  • the name of the general practice registered for ePIP;
  • your HPI-O number;
  • your PIP practice ID; and
  • evidence to support your request.

General Practices can also consult the frequently asked questions for further information.

ePIP compliance - exemption guidance material

Date last updated: 27 November 2023