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Senate Order Reporting

Senate Order 192 (Murray Motion) on Australian Digital Health Agency Contracts for the 2018-19 Financial Year

On 20 June 2001, the Senate agreed to an Order requiring Ministers to table a letter, stating that all Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth) (PGPA Act) agencies, falling under their responsibility have placed on the internet a list of contracts of $100,000 (GST inclusive) or more which are current or entered into during the previous twelve months (the Senate Order).

In 2002 and 2007, the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration completed two inquiries into the operation of the Senate Order. These inquiries resulted in changes to the Senate Order reporting requirements.

The Senate Order was amended to apply to corporate Commonwealth entities (CCEs), effective 1 July 2017. The Australian Digital Health Agency was established under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Establishing the Australian Digital Health Agency) Rule 2016 as a corporate Commonwealth entity. As a CCE, we are required to place information in relation to our contracts and their use of confidentiality provisions on our internet.

Further guidance regarding the Senate Order's requirements is specified in the Department of Finance Resource Management Guide No. 403 - Meeting the Senate Order on Entity Contracts

Senate Order on Contract Listings

The Senate Order specifies that the contract listings are to indicate:

  • the relevant reporting period;
  • the estimated cost of complying with the Senate Order and the method used to make this estimate;
  • the following details for each contract over $100,000 (GST inclusive) entered into by the Agency which has not been fully performed as at the end of the relevant reporting period, or which was entered into during the 12 months prior to the end of the relevant reporting period:
    • the contractor;
    • the amount of consideration;
    • the subject matter;
    • the start date and anticipated end date;
    • the confidentiality provisions or confidentiality requirements; and
    • the reasons for confidentiality.


Confidentiality clauses of a general nature are included in all our standard form contracts, i.e. they all contain clauses requiring the contractor to maintain confidentiality of Commonwealth confidential information and to protect personal information.

Please note: requests by members of the public for access to government information, including details of any of the contracts listed in response to the Senate Order will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).

Contracts information

In the 2018-19 financial year, we identified 546 contracts with individual values of $100,000 (GST inclusive) or more.

Assurance by the Accountable Authority of the Agency

The accountable authority of the Australian Digital Health Agency has assured that there are no contracts listed in the Senate Order Register (PDF, 221.71 KB) that contain any inappropriate confidentiality provisions

List of Agency Contracts

Year PDF Format
Financial Year 2016-17 (1/7/2016-30/6/2017) Senate Order Register - August 2017 (PDF, 372.76 KB)
Calendar Year 2017 (1/1/2017-31/12/2017) Senate Order Register - December 2017 (PDF, 68.21 KB)
Financial Year 2017-18 (1/7/2017–30/6/2018) Senate Order Register - August 2018 (PDF, 221.71 KB)
Financial Year 2018-19 (1/7/2018-30/6/2019) Senate Order Register - August 2019 (PDF, 556.39 KB)