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Dr Steve Hambleton appointed as independent clinical advisor

Published 31 July 2020

Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) Interim CEO Bettina McMahon today announced the appointment of Dr Steve Hambleton MBBS FAMA FRACGP(hon) FAICD as the new, independent clinical advisor to the executive team at the Agency.

“Dr Hambleton’s contribution to the Agency in the past has been invaluable in providing clinical expertise and a link to the medical profession. In becoming an advisor to the Agency executive team more formally, we are ensuring a strong clinical voice to the executive following the departure of Chief Medical Advisor Professor Meredith Makeham.

“Steve is a frontline GP and has worked with governments, the AMA and health professional organisations including medical, allied health, nursing and pharmacy,” she said.

He will join the executive leadership team as a clinical advisor and will provide clinical input to Agency governance committees. The appointment will commence on Monday 3 August and run through to January 2021.

Dr Hambleton is an adjunct Professor with the University of Queensland and a General Practitioner in Brisbane. He is a former State and Federal President of the Australian Medical Association.

He was a member of the Review of the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) known as the Royle review that supported the continuing development and implementation of a consistent and effective electronic health record for all Australians. In June 2014 Dr Hambleton was appointed as Chairman of the National eHealth Transition Authority and oversaw its transition to the Australian Digital Health Agency in July 2016.

Dr Hambleton has served the Agency as Co-Chair of Clinical Programs including Radiology and Pathology and the Clinical Governance Committee. He was the Deputy Chair of the My Health Record Expansion program that has resulted in more than 90 per cent of the Australian Population having access to a shared electronic health record.

Dr Hambleton also serves on the Boards of Avant Mutual Group Limited and the newly formed Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre. He is an independent Director of the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council.

Dr Hambleton said he was passionate about continuing reform to Australia’s high quality health care system, through progressive integration of digital technologies.

“I am determined to continue the health reform journey to deliver quality outcomes and an improved experience of care for consumers and the professions,” he said.

Media contact

Australian Digital Health Agency Media Team
Mobile: 0428 772 421

About the Australian Digital Health Agency

The Agency is tasked with improving health outcomes for all Australians through the delivery of digital healthcare systems, and implementing Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy – Safe, Seamless, and Secure: evolving health and care to meet the needs of modern Australia in collaboration with partners across the community. The Agency is the System Operator of My Health Record, and provides leadership, coordination, and delivery of a collaborative and innovative approach to utilising technology to support and enhance a clinically safe and connected national health system. These improvements will give individuals more control of their health and their health information, and support healthcare providers to deliver informed healthcare through access to current clinical and treatment information. Further information:

Media release - Dr Steve Hambleton appointed as independent clinical advisor.pdf(618KB) (PDF, 603.67 KB)

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