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Transforming Australia’s Digital Health Infrastructure - Information Session

Transforming Australia’s Digital Health Infrastructure

Information Session

Australia is taking the next steps towards the digital transformation of healthcare, embracing new opportunities and ways of managing our health and wellbeing.  Digital health is helping us meet challenges such as health inequity, increasing levels of chronic disease, rising healthcare costs and global health threats. It is enabling a person-centred healthcare model that improves access to coordinated multidisciplinary care and management of complex and chronic conditions.

This next phase of digital transformation will evolve national infrastructure not only to support but to drive information sharing and advance real time data exchange to make information available when and where it’s needed, in line with consumer consent and strong privacy and cyber security standards. People should not have to retell their health story. Their key information should follow them and, should they wish, be available to the whole care team across primary care, allied care, hospital care and aged care. The resulting reduced duplication and waste will also decrease workforce and budget pressures and increase safety, quality and productivity.

As the steward for digital enablement of Australia’s healthcare system, the Australian Digital Health Agency has a lead role in coordinating national engagement, delivery and adoption of digital health to underpin person-centred, connected healthcare. 

The Agency intends to continue to transform national infrastructure and move to a contemporary, structured data-rich ecosystem capable of connecting systems across settings and supporting real-time access to information for the patient and the broader care team – anywhere, anytime. 

We are currently looking to source solutions and services that support this vision and we invite interested organisations to join us for an information session about the next wave of national digital health infrastructure transformation.

Information session

Registration for the event will close on Wednesday 10 July 2024 at 5pm.

Date: Monday 15 July 2024

Check-in: 9:30am

Event start: 10:00am

Event end: 12:00pm

Venue: Hellenic Club, Canberra

Questions for the event will be taken in advance through Slido event #3609624. Questions will be moderated and published.

Register now


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