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C3.0 2025 - Summit on clinical governance in digital health

The C3.0 Connect. Care. Confidence. 2025 Summit, held on February 18th, brought together leading innovators, service providers, expert clinicians, and consumers for a day of engaging panel discussions, case study presentations, and interactive Q&A sessions. Presenters from both Australia and around the globe focused on strengthening clinical governance within the digital health arena.

Co-hosted by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, Summit 2025 builds on the success of the inaugural 2023 C3.0 Summit.

If you missed the opportunity to join on the day, you can still watch the plenary addresses, keynote speeches, and panel sessions below.

Thank you to the incredible digital health community, our partners, delegates, changemakers, and emerging leaders for continuing to make the C3.0 Summits a resounding success!

Plenary - Welcome

Welcome to C3.0 2025

Summit opening and Acknowledgment of Country

Host Peter Birch, Chief Executive Officer, Talking HealthTech
Australian Digital Health Agency CEO Amanda Cattermole PSM

Welcome and address from the Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care



Opening remarks

Conjoint Professor Anne Duggan, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and Amanda Cattermole PSM, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Digital Health Agency share their thoughts on the importance of clinical governance in digital health.


Plenary - Insights

Local and International experts share insights from across the sector

Opening keynote – Dr John D. Halamaka

Dr John D. Halamka, President, M.D., M.S., Dwight and Dian Diercks President, Mayo Clinic Platform introduces the revolutionary opportunities provided by digital health and how we can utilise them safely and effectively.


Pulse check: Opportunities for clinical governance in digital health

What is the current state of play for the implementation of clinical governance in primary care and the acute sector?

Our expert panel discuss their experiences on the frontline of service provision.  Panel members: Dr Steve Hambleton, GP, Specialist Advisor, Australian Digital Health Agency; Conjoint Professor Carolyn Hullick, Chief Medical Officer, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care; Adjunct Professor Anna Thornton, Chief Nursing Officer, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care; and Ms Karen Booth, Chief Clinical Adviser, Nursing, Australian Digital Health Agency discuss challenges and opportunities.


Clinical workflows, digitally enabled: software vendors, clinicians and consumers working together

Digital transformation is all around us often led by consumer drivers. Host, Mr Herbert Down, Clinical Governance and Assurance Branch Manager, Australian Digital Health Agency chats with: Imelda Gilmore, consumer and carer advocate; Dr Simon Kos, Chief Medical Officer, Australia and New Zealand, Microsoft; Dr Andrew Hugman, Clinical Director, Digital Health, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care; and Professor Clair Sullivan, Director, Queensland Digital Health Centre, University of Queensland.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s Health: Building genuine partnerships to strengthen clinical governance practice

Host Mr David Edwards, Worimi Man and Director, WellMob and panellists Ms Jade Hansen, Director of Recovery, Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council, NSW; Dr Jason Agostino, Senior Medical Advisor, National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO); and Dr Clinton Schultz, Director, First Nations Strategy and Partnerships, Black Dog Institute explore how to ensure strong clinical governance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


The digitally-enabled health and care workforce of the future

Host Dr Paul Miles, Director, Digital Health and Chief Information Officer, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and panellists Ms Anja Nikolic, CEO, Australian Institute of Digital Health; Dr Sanka Amadoru, Geriatrician, Aria Health and Mr Simon Elisha, Director and Chief Technologist, ANZ, Amazon Web Services discuss the implications for the health and care workforce in the delivery of digitally enabled care.


Connect sessions

Hear how service providers, clinicians and tech innovators are strengthening interoperability and harnessing technology to support integrated healthcare.

Understanding Gen AI: risks, challenges and opportunities for patient safety

Join host Peter Birch and panellists Professor Stacy Carter, Director, Australian Centre for Health Engagement, Evidence and Values, University of Wollongong;  Dr Jean-Frédéric Levesque, Deputy Secretary, Clinical Innovation and Research, NSW Health; and Dr Sharon Hakkennes, Chief Digital Health Officer, Victorian Department of Health for a wide-ranging discussion on the potential benefits and the risks involved in the GenAI revolution.


Improving patient outcomes through data-driven healthcare

Mr Peter Birch leads Mr Simon Cleverley, Assistant Secretary, Australian Government Department of Aged Care and Health; Mr Chris Leahy, Chief Operating Officer, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care; and Dr Zoran Bolevich, CEO, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare into a deep dive into the revolutionary use of data.


In-depth chat – Clinical governance in First Nations health

Ms Helen Mobbs, General Manager, Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation is interviewed by Mr Chris Boyd-Skinner, Director, Clinical Governance, Australian Digital Health Agency on what digital health can offer a remote community in the Northern Territory.


Care sessions

These sessions focus on the key components of effective care including removing access barriers and supporting consumer co-design.

Removing barriers to accessing care through technology

Mr Chris Boyd-Skinner, Director, Clinical Governance, Australian Digital Health Agency explores how we can ensure digital health improves care options for a range of diverse groups with panellists Ms Angela Ryan, Non-executive Director, Australasian Institute of Digital Health; Ms Krista Vanderheide, Assistant Secretary, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Division, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care; and Mr Neville Board, NSW Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network.


Developing healthcare technology for person-centred services

Discover the latest developments in person-centred services with Professor Wendy Chapman, Director, Digital Transformation of Health, University of Melbourne and Dr Anton van der Vegt, Advanced QLD Industry Research Fellow, Centre for Health Services Research, University of Queensland and hosted by Dr Steve Hambleton, GP, Specialist Advisor, Australian Digital Health Agency.


Innovative approaches to consumer co-design

Find out how effective consumer co-design can strengthen the safety and quality of digital health with Dr Nirvana Luckraj, Chief Medical Officer, Healthdirect Australia; Professor Nick Titov, Executive Director, Mindspot, MQ Health, Macquarie University and host, Peter Birch.


Confidence sessions

Explore how confidence is the key to effective digital health where all service users trust in the healthcare provided.

Building digital literacy for consumers and carers

Ms Anna Flynn, Director, Partnering with Consumers, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care talks to Dr Edel O’Hagan, Research Fellow, Westmead Applied Research Centre and Mr Mehmet Kavlakoglu, Consumer advocate about why digital literacy matters and how it can be fostered.


Interoperability in action

Mr Reuben Daniels, Board Director, HL7 Australia and Deputy FHIR Product Director, HL7 International; Professor Charlotte Hespe, GP and Head of General Practice, Sydney School of Medicine, UNDA; and Associate Professor Naren Gunja, Chief Medical Information Officer, Western Sydney Health unpack the real world impact of interoperability with Mr Peter O’Halloran, Chief Digital Officer, Australian Digital Health Agency.


Enhancing privacy, data protection and cyber security

In the face of ever more sophisticated cyber attacks, join Ms Danielle Pentony, Chief Information Security Officer, Australian Digital Health Agency; Mr Raniera Te Moni, Head of Technology and Engineering, CyberCert; and Mr Dave Vosnakes, Acting Assistant Secretary, National Office of Cyber Security for practical advice on enhancing data protection and cyber security.


Closing keynote

Hear from Dr Bertalan Meskó PhD. the Medical Futurist on how artificial intelligence and digital health technologies are shaping the future.

C3.0 closing keynote

Dr Bertalan Meskó, PhD. known as The Medical Futurist, and Director of The Medical Futurist Institute shows us how artificial intelligence and digital health technologies are shaping the future of care. 


Date last updated: 27 March 2025