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Headshot of Judy Gregurke, Digital health adviser from Consumers and Carers sector

Ms Judy Gregurke

Headshot of Judy Gregurke, Digital health adviser from Consumers and Carers sector

Judy is retired from fulltime work and is enjoying consultancy and consumer advocacy roles in a variety of fields. She has extensive leadership experience in health, community, disability and aged care sector management roles with a demonstrated passion for empowering and supporting people and representing the views and concerns of service users, consumers and community members.

As a Speech Pathologist, Judy worked in acute hospital, primary care, disability and education settings. She has a master’s degree in Health Administration (Health Service Management) and has twenty-five years’ experience in executive management roles in health, disability and peak body membership organisations in the not for profit sector. She is also a Graduate and Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

In recent work and consulting roles, Judy specialised in consumer engagement and community participation activities for older people and their families in the context of ageing and aged care and engagement with health services and systems. She also has many years of personal experience as a consumer advocate in mental health and in supporting health literacy and decision-making capacity for people challenged by their engagement with multiple service systems.

Lived experience – Older Australians; People with chronic diseases; People experiencing cancer treatment

Areas of particular interest – Ageing and aged care; Technology and older people; Technology interfaces between systems and health care settings

Date last updated: 18 December 2024