Dr James Zeng
MBBS (Hons), B Med Sci (Hons), FANZCA

As a clinical leader in the innovation and informatics special interest group at Western Health, he has been at the forefront of examining and deploying technology to meet clinical service delivery and clinical governance.
Most recently, he has served as a clinical analyst for the digital health team to leverage his experience in business and clinical systems in designing and deploying the Cerner EHR at Western Health. This role has encompassed detailed analysis of existing clinical systems not only within perioperative service, but also women’s and children’s health, critical care and emergency medicine. In this project, James has engaged internal stakeholders to synthesise technologically and clinically relevant information to support existing clinical governance structures in safe decision making and optimising clinical service delivery. In the execution of this, he has also had to redesign many new governance structures for the organisation. All this has required audit of clinical functions, significant stakeholder engagement across clinical domains as well as change management and education support.
Previously, James has held a variety of roles in Australia and the USA including chair of the Airway interest group at UCSF and a Quality and Safety fellowship at the Royal Women’s hospital. These roles were focused on the analysis of critical events around perioperative medication safety and clinical governance for these sub-specialised areas. James has clinical research experience in randomized controlled trials and is a regular attendee of scientific meetings in digital health and anaesthesia
research meetings.
James holds a number of advisory roles in the clinical innovation space, from being a Bio-design mentor to University of Melbourne students, guiding them through early-stage innovation with problem finding and idea generation, prototyping and to-market strategy as well as later stage with pitch formation and capital raising. He has been a strategy advisor to StatSurgery, a firm specialising in the surgical needs of non-insured patients.