Dr Helen Almond

Helen is a proactive healthcare leader with a broad knowledge. She is imaginative and adaptable. Helen has aptitude and capability to provide strategic and operational contributions to health and care service and information development in order to offer the highest level in health and care leadership, academic scholarship, and research.
Helen has over 40 years of experience as a registered nurse and sick children's nurse. She has a PhD in Digital Health and Informatics, and an MSc in Clinical Nursing (Nurse Practitioner UK). She currently works as a Senior Lecturer and Course Coordinator Graduate Certificate Health Service Management (Safety and Quality) with the Australian Institute of Health Service Management at the University of Tasmania's. Helen also holds an adjunct research position at Swinburne University of Technology. As an experienced Digital Health Adviser, Helen sits on Clinical Governance committee, contributes to the Australian Digital Health Agency Framework for Delivery, represents the Agency on national steering groups, and is frequently relied upon to convey the Agency's work to a varied group of stakeholders.
As a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health, the peak professional body for the digital health and informatics community, and vice chair of the nursing and midwifery community of practice, Helen represents nursing informatics for Australia on The International Medical Informatics Association committee.
Helen’s primary research focus is understanding the impact of digital health technologies on the delivery of person-centred health and social care for all vulnerable communities. Through research, education and continuing professional development opportunities Helen has expand this focus toward health professional digital health and informatics capability. Understanding the impact of healthcare systems and embedded technologies for our future healthcare professionals and our established health professionals is now considered essential.