Dr Chris Moy

Dr Chris Moy is a full-time General Practitioner from Adelaide. He graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1991 and he has worked in general practice for over 30 years. His specific interests include aged care, palliative care and health communication systems.
Chris recently completed a role as Federal AMA Vice-President and, prior to this, was Chair of the Federal AMA Ethics and Medico-legal Committee for 4 years. He is a past Chair of the Federal AMA Medical Practice Committee and he also recently completed a term as AMA South Australia President.
He has participated in many initiatives related to aged and end-of-life care including the Expert Advisory Panel of the SA Advance Directives Review and the SA Health End of Life Decision Making Project – with the latter developing the Resuscitation Plan-7 Step Pathway which is the standardised end of life clinical plan used across South Australia.
The key aspiration of making a patient’s Advance Care Directive available alongside their health information at the point of care led Chris to significant involvement in the development of digital health in Australia and, in particular, the My Health Record, telehealth and electronic prescribing. He is a former member of the Independent Advisory Committee to the Minister of Health for the Patient Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR), the NEHTA Clinical Usability Program Steering Committee, the My Health Record Operations Management Committee and the My Health Record Expansion Program Steering Group which led the My Health Record into the Opt-Out era. He has been a Senior Clinical Reference Lead of the Australian Digital Health Agency and remains a member of its Privacy and Security Advisory Committee.
As a former Chair of the Adelaide PHN Central Adelaide Clinical Council and as a GP Clinical Editor for Health Pathways SA, Chris has also had significant experience in policies and practices related to health translation.
His knowledge of health systems, ethics and how health policy intersects with politics became important in his recent leadership roles where he was thrust into central policy, political and media roles during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time during which digital health tools such as My Health Record, telehealth and electronic prescribing came into their own and became critical.
His wife, Monika, also works in general practice, and they have two children. Away from work, Chris enjoys Adelaide Crows-specific AFL and, more tellingly for his generation, Xbox games.