Dr Amy Nguyen
PhD ,GradCert (Research Management and Commercialisation), BMedSc (Physiology)

Dr Amy Nguyen is a digital health researcher whose research focuses on implementation of various health technologies in the aged care, general practice and chronic disease sectors. Dr Nguyen leads work focusing on the co-design, usability, feasibility and quality of health technologies in the delivery of safe healthcare, using a myriad of qualitative and quantitative methods.
Dr Amy Nguyen runs a research program examining how the application of health technologies can improve management and monitoring in health and aged care.
Dr Nguyen has extensive research experience in the iterative development, implementation and evaluation of a range of digital health technologies. These include My Health Record, secure messaging, mobile health apps for chronic disease, prescribing software for use in hospitals and by GPs, electronic clinical dashboards in aged care, and telehealth in general practice and specialist care.
As evidence of her expertise in digital health, Dr Nguyen is an Associate Editor for the journals, ‘BMC Digital Health’ and ‘BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making’.
A large focus of Dr Nguyen’s work is extensive co-design with end-users of digital health technologies. She currently leads the qualitative arm of the Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research’s Aged Care research team. This research team collects and synthesises extensive feedback from end-users to iteratively develop a variety of health technologies. Her work demonstrates the importance of including stakeholders in development phases to produce outputs that are relevant and feasible to end-users. Dr Nguyen’s research engagement focuses on ensuring the accurate capture and defining of the digital health needs of prospective end-users.
End-users engaged in Dr Nguyen’s research include patients, aged care residents and clients, general health consumers, aged care staff, aged care management, and clinicians (allied health – pharmacists, dietitians; nurses; GPs; specialists). Methods of engagement with end-users Amy employs include qualitative interviews, surveys, focus groups, case scenarios, workshops, stakeholder forums and public forums.
In relation to Dr Nguyen’s research, she has been interviewed by media outlets and podcasts and written for online media. Amy also has a keen interest in effective scientific communication, and has been an active STEM Mentor for The New York Academy of Sciences since 2016.