Mr Ben Wilkins

I am a primary healthcare clinician, with a career as a pharmacist and director of a number of health organisations in the regulatory, public, private and not-for-profit spheres. I have been a registered pharmacist since 1994.
I have extensive practical use of the clinical information systems in pharmacy and have actively provided education sessions to pharmacists, general practitioners, nurses and specialists via individual and group settings. With a digital health journey from 1998, and with NEHTA in 2001, I have been involved with Agency programs to support registration, use and enablement around core programs like My Health Record, ePrescriptions, Pharmacist Shared Medicines List (PSML) and many other national infrastructure programs. Please refer to the list below.
My efforts toward advocacy and engagement have been demonstrated by great commitment to effectiveness and efficiency with a strategic intent underpinned by appropriate governance.
I am committed to the long-term vision of the digital health integration into our health systems and clinical workflows and I am able to dedicate the required time and capacity to assist the Agency in carrying out its key functions.