Webinars for healthcare providers
Training and events on digital health, My Health Record, electronic prescribing and more.
Healthcare providers can register for on-demand webinars to learn more about digital health tools and how to use them in practice.
Implementing Digital Health in your organisation
- Implementing a My Health Record policy in your organisation
- Digital Health Foundations - Series #1 Healthcare Identifiers and the Healthcare Identifiers Service (HI Service)
- Digital Health Foundations - Series #2 Accessing PRODA & HPOS
- Digital Health Foundations - Series #3 Registering a Seed Organisation with the Healthcare Identifiers Service (HI Service)
- Digital Health Foundations - Series #4 Setting up Access to My Health Record and Electronic Prescriptions
Using My Health Record
- Easily finding the right document in My Health Record
- Making sense of My Health Record medicines information
- Using the Emergency Access function in My Health Record
- Understanding My Health Record and patient privacy
Using Electronic Prescriptions
- Electronic Prescriptions for pharmacy - Tokens
- Electronic Prescriptions for pharmacy - Active Script List
- Electronic Prescriptions made easy for prescribers
Sessions by specialty or area of practice
- My Health Record for hospital clinicians
- My Health Record supporting safety, quality and better care in Residential Aged Care Homes
Digital health series for Aboriginal Medical Service staff
- Session 1 - My Health Record for Health Workers
- Session 2 - Setting access to your My Health Record
- Session 3 - My Health Record overview documents for health workers
- Session 4 - How to access your My Health Record
If you would like to request an education session for your organisation, please contact education@digitalhealth.gov.au