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Software Developers to Engage with New National eHealth Records System Ahead of July 2012 launch

Published 13 March 2012

A PCEHR: End to End, Software Developer Conference being held on Tuesday 27 March will enable software developers to get further involved with the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) system, launching in July 2012.

Part of CHIK's Health-e-Nation 2012 event, the one day workshop will guide software developers as to what they need to do to access the system.

The vendor PCEHR specifications and the initial release of the national infrastructure are scheduled for late-March. This release will support the vendors that have begun working with NEHTA to test the infrastructure ahead of the July launch when all Australians who choose to can register for an eHealth record.

A number of valuable "How to" sessions on the B2B Gateway, Healthcare Identifiers Service, the National Authentication Service for Health and the Compliance, Conformance and Accreditation programme are also scheduled.

Attendees will also see simulated demonstrations of the PCEHR and hear about the benefits expected to be achieved from the PCEHR and will leave with an understanding of what they need to do, concrete action plans and the NEHTA support and resources available to them.

The complimentary Software Developer Conference occurs on the first of the three day CHIK Health-e-Nation Conference. For maximum value participants are encouraged to attend all three days. Other events include the Health-e-Nation program and several workshops including a Software Conformance and Certification Workshop.


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