SNOMED CT-AU and Australian Medicines Terminology October 2019 Release
Published 25 October 2019
The National Clinical Terminology Service (NCTS) is pleased to announce that the September combined release of SNOMED CT® AU1 and the Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) is now available to registered users from the NCTS website.
The Release Note is provided alongside the combined RF2 release files which are available as Full, Snapshot and Delta, in addition to the traditional combined release bundle (labelled "ALL"). To access the Release Note and download the RF2 files, select SNOMED CT-AU > Release Bundles from the ACCESS tab.
The reference sets are available in TSV format (containing pre-computed values for concept IDs, Fully Specified Name, Preferred Term and Synonym description only) and as HL7™FHIR® standard2 value sets (which may also be obtained via the integration interface of the National Terminology Server. To download the reference sets, select SNOMED CT-AU > Reference Sets from the ACCESS tab.
Important Information
Description Logic Changes To enable improvements to the quality and analytics capabilities of SNOMED CT, SNOMED International have enhanced the underlining logic profile of the terminology. The changes require expressing the concept definitions using Web Ontology Language (OWL). These expressions are published as an RF2 compliant reference set, replacing the stated relationships file. The (distributed normal form) relationships file included within SNOMED CT-AU, which most users use, remains unchanged. The stated relationships file was deprecated in the July 2019 International release and these changes were incorporated into this release.
Further details of the changes are available here:
Document Library Update
The following document has been added to the Document Library
Please refer to the NCTS Document Library Release Note v2.17 in Recent Updates for further details.
Quick Tips
Each month we will be providing you with a new quick tip on the use of our products or how to navigate our website, as well as documents with links to further information (where applicable). If you have a suggestion for a tip, please let us know using the feedback details below.
Clinical Terminology Community of Practice Want to learn more about current terminology implementations or influence the ongoing development of national terminologies?
Get involved in our Australian Clinical Terminology User Group (AuCT-UG) and/or Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) Support Group:
- Network with others working in the same field
- Share your experiences and implementation use cases
- Provide clinical and technical advice for the ongoing terminology development
- Discuss issues and challenges
- Hear from and talk to experts
- Increase your knowledge and skills
- Receive updates on both national and international terminology activities
For more information, visit our website. Come and join one of our user groups and Collaborative Spaces by forwarding an expression of interest to
Education Sessions
The NCTS plans to schedule further live webinars throughout 2019; all licence holders will be notified when these dates are made available. If you would like to register an expression of interest or request a specific topic, please contact us using the feedback details below.
Please also visit the webinars section in the Document Library to view the existing pre-recorded webinars.
Where can I find technical guides and other resources?
All SNOMED CT AU and AMT documentation, including technical and implementation guides, is freely available for download from the NCTS Document Library without registering or logging in. However, if you are a registered user we recommend that you log in before downloading any material so that we can better target our communications to you, based on the resources that you have downloaded.
Terminology browsers
Shrimp3 is available online at Search both SNOMED CT AU and AMT content, or browse the hierarchies by selecting the latest version of “SNOMED Clinical Terms Australian Extension” in the drop-down menu.
Development by the NCTS relies on the input and cooperation of the Australian healthcare community. We value your feedback and encourage questions, comments, or suggestions about our products. You can contact us by completing the online support request form, via email, or call 1300 901 001.
Thank you for your continued support.
[1] "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO).
[2] FHIR is a registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.
[3] Shrimp was developed by the Australian e-Health Research Centre (AEHRC).