NEHTA eHealth Software Developer Community announcement - Conformance Test Specification for CDA™ Rendering and My Health Record Usability Recommendations
Published 31 January 2016
The National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) is pleased to announce the publication of a new version of the following specifications.
- Clinical Documents – Conformance Test Specification for CDA™ Rendering;
- Clinical Documents – My Health Record Usability Recommendations.
Conformance Test Specification for CDA™ Rendering
Version 1.4 of the Conformance Test Specification for CDA™ Rendering clarifies many of the test cases, improves the readability of the document, and adds test cases in support of recently published Pathology Report and Diagnostic Imaging Report conformance profiles.
The specification now applies only to the rendering of documents, and the authoring of documents will be assessed within a separate conformance test specification to be published on the date listed in the specifications maintenance schedule. The format of the specification has been amended to align with other NEHTA conformance test specifications, with explicit test steps and pass/fail criteria.
Who does this affect?
Software systems that display clinical documents downloaded from the My Health Record system must pass tests for conformance to the rendering requirements. Developers may either create their own conformance test specification or use the one provided by NEHTA.
Developers wanting to apply NEHTA's Conformance Test Specification for CDA™ Rendering should use version 1.4 rather than an earlier version. Developers that have already assessed their software using an older version of the conformance test specification should use the new version in their regression testing.
My Health Record Usability Recommendations
Version 1.3 of the My Health Record Usability Recommendations includes recommendations for recording adverse reactions and immunisation sequence number and amendments to some existing recommendations.
The My Health Record Usability Recommendations provides usability recommendations for software systems authoring clinical documents or displaying clinical information downloaded from the My Health Record system. The recommendations apply to all types of clinical documents and complement the usability recommendations specifically for shared health summary and event summary:
- Shared Health Summary PCEHR1 Usability Recommendations v1.2; and
- Event Summary PCEHR Usability Recommendations v1.1.
Who does this affect?
Implementation of the My Health Record Usability Recommendations is optional however developers of software systems that record information about adverse reactions and immunisations are encouraged to implement the recommendations in version 1.3 of the My Health Record Usability Recommendations.
NEHTA will provide conformance tests for version 1.3 of Clinical Documents – My Health Record Usability Recommendations and, when available, the publication date will be listed in the specifications maintenance schedule.
Common - Clinical Document end product
The new versions of the Conformance Test Specification for CDA™ Rendering and the My Health Record Usability Recommendations are provided in an incremental release of the Common - Clinical Document end product and more information about them is provided in the release notes for that end product.
Click here to access the new version of the Common - Clinical Document end product and start using the Conformance Test Specification for CDA Rendering and the My Health Record Usability Recommendations.
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